
Koi Pharma Pure Salt – Koi Therapy Online Sale

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Koi Pharma Pure Salt – Koi Therapy

Koi Pharma® Pure Salt is an all-natural, effective, and economical koi treatment designed to combat a broad spectrum of ailments. It is perfect for controlling parasites and protozoa infestations, including Dactylogyrus, Bryodcytulus, Epistylis, Trichodina, and Chilodonella. This treatment reduces stress levels in new and existing koi, improves gill function and oxygen intake, and promotes electrolyte intake to fortify the protective slime coat, which shields against parasites, bacteria, and other toxins. Additionally, it aids in osmoregulation issues caused by bacterial ulcers and helps clear congested gills, promoting recovery from sickness.

Koi Pharma® Pure Salt is a proven solution against nitrite toxicity, preventing Brown Blood Disease when used as directed. It effectively combats stubborn bacterial infections and protozoan parasites, including costia, trichodina, chilodonella, flukes, and other ectoparasites. Containing no iodine, chloride, or other harsh chemicals, it is safe for fish, birds, plants, and domestic animals that drink from the pond when dosed correctly. Available in 4-lb, 10-lb, or 20-lb bucket sizes, Koi Pharma® Pure Salt is a necessary product for your koi medicine cabinet and a go-to treatment when quarantining new or sick fish.

Dosage Rate

Maintenance/Routine Application Rate (After water changes or pond cleanout):

  • Ponds WITH Aquatic Plants: Use 0.5 lbs per 100 gallons of pond water (0.05% [0.5 ppt])
  • Ponds WITHOUT Aquatic Plants: Use 1.5 lbs per 100 gallons of pond water (0.15% [1.5 ppt])

Persistent Problem (Treating Disease) Application Rate:

  • Ponds WITH Aquatic Plants: Use 0.75 lbs per 100 gallons of pond water (0.075% [0.75 ppt])
  • Ponds WITHOUT Aquatic Plants: Use 3 lbs per 100 gallons of pond water (0.3% [3.0 ppt])

Quarantining (Severe Disease Treatment) Application Rate:

  • Use 5 lbs per 100 gallons of pond water (0.5% [5.0 ppt]) for a maximum of 2 weeks, then decrease salt concentration through water changes.

Use Warnings:

  • Do NOT overdose.
  • Monitor salt concentration carefully in ponds with aquatic plants to avoid toxicity.
  • Remove any zeolite products before adding salt.
  • Do not use with medications like Koi Pharma® Pure Broad Spectrum or Formalin and Malachite Green, as this can kill your fish.
  • Salt does not evaporate or filter out. Only add more after water changes and confirm salinity with a meter.
  • Do not add more salt when topping off your pond due to evaporation.
  • Follow directions to avoid injury or loss of fish or other aquatic life. Koi Pharma® is not responsible for any loss of life, aquatic or otherwise.

Additional information


4 lb Pure Salt – Koi Therapy, 10 lb Pure Salt – Koi Therapy, 20 lb Pure Salt – Koi Therapy

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